Autism (AUT) - Georgia Eligibility Reference Guide


This reference guide is intended to be used by school psychologists and special education teams to assist in the development of a legally defensible and comprehensive evaluation for a student with a suspected eligibility of Autism.

This reference guide contains eligibility specific information regarding evaluation methods, eligibility criteria, evaluation reports, and exclusionary factors. This guide also offers recommended rating scales mapped to eligibility criteria.

As always, additional areas indicated in referral concerns, or any additional suspected areas of eligibility should be explored. Please review the additional eligibility reference guides as needed. In addition, eligibility determination is always team decision.

Format: PDF

Total Number of Pages: 8


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If you would like to share this document with other school psychologists, additional licenses are available at a discount for group or district purchase. If districts or departments would like this document customized to meet their specific district needs please reach out to me directly. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding these terms of use.

This document should not be construed as legal advice. School psychologists and evaluation teams should adhere to all legal, ethical, and professional guidelines. In addition, evaluators should use their professional judgement in individualizing evaluation methods and reports to each student.